This may be a different tone from me than normal but I am totally annoyed at this show. So, allow my soap box moment. Aside from the poor acting, the representation of women to me was totally repulsive. I also could have not been more disappointed at the portrayal of black, single women on the show. I do not think this gives a good representation of the "single life" and does not provide single women (or any woman with that matter) with an effective message while they are in their "single-hood." First, the message totally lacked values. Throughout the episode all I saw was women unashamedly, flaunting their sexuality around, giving “it” up to men left and right, messages of “do you” at any cost even it meant cheating, lying, and manipulating others. In addition to these dumb, and deplorable messages it seemed like “soft porn.”
I am offended because as a single woman and black, single woman (because the show clearly is aimed toward that demographic) I don’t go throwing my cookies around to every man that I meet or act on every impulse, or seek satisfaction from any type of attention from a man. I don’t throw my sexuality and body around to get sex or attention, and I am waiting until I get married to do the “do”...AND that whole “do you” advice around my way will get your feelings hurt. I shouldn’t be the only one offended because I know many women that do not indulge themselves in that way also. Some may say well Ashlee you do not have a man. That has absolutely nothing to do with anything because my offense is still grounded in the fact that it does not paint an accurate picture or promote a good message. I also have gained wisdom from others and my past.
It also provokes one to think that single-hood is one of inadequacy and that as women we should try to be with someone no matter what it takes. It would have helped the “Single Ladies” case if the show was even slightly entertaining! Of course I cannot just speak from morality sake because some may not agree. I can speak from a practical sense. Those women seeking fulfillment in getting physical is counterfeit. Plus they are devaluing their beautiful, powerful, and precious femininity by just seeking to have sex and attention from a man. What type of message is that sending a man?...a lack of empowerment? Who would want to take a woman serious if they so easily succumb to lust and give "it" up so easily. The show just doesn't paint a fair picture of single women, which is my final critique.
I cannot be too upset because at least it portrays just how the world is “wacked out.” It also highlights how women search for identity in things or men. These things or men only leave them empty and unsatisfied, hence the women on the show's incessant quest for love and validation. It also shows how a distorted view on one’s femininity produces a distorted view of one’s identity...Lisa Ray's character is the epitome of this.
To all my single ladies especially the writers of the show who obviously have a distorted world view I implore them to find the hope and full satisfaction that is found in Jesus Christ. To know that God, humbled himself to become man; loved me so very much that he would take on my sin; died a death that was meant for me; took on the wrath of God in order to reconcile me is incomparable to any earthly desire or love from man. The overwhelming completion that is found by having an identity in Christ will make the single life that much more fruitful. I cannot say...because of our natural tendency to want love from a man will go away and we’ll inherit super powers to overcome those feelings...especially when all those around us are getting married or getting in relationships etc. However, single-hood is so rewarding because we have such liberty to go through life and experience things that others may not. Plus, oh how much more devoted we can be to God. You can also have a great time exploring what you like, your womanhood, make a few mistakes, grow and learn!
I cannot be too upset because at least it portrays just how the world is “wacked out.” It also highlights how women search for identity in things or men. These things or men only leave them empty and unsatisfied, hence the women on the show's incessant quest for love and validation. It also shows how a distorted view on one’s femininity produces a distorted view of one’s identity...Lisa Ray's character is the epitome of this.
To all my single ladies especially the writers of the show who obviously have a distorted world view I implore them to find the hope and full satisfaction that is found in Jesus Christ. To know that God, humbled himself to become man; loved me so very much that he would take on my sin; died a death that was meant for me; took on the wrath of God in order to reconcile me is incomparable to any earthly desire or love from man. The overwhelming completion that is found by having an identity in Christ will make the single life that much more fruitful. I cannot say...because of our natural tendency to want love from a man will go away and we’ll inherit super powers to overcome those feelings...especially when all those around us are getting married or getting in relationships etc. However, single-hood is so rewarding because we have such liberty to go through life and experience things that others may not. Plus, oh how much more devoted we can be to God. You can also have a great time exploring what you like, your womanhood, make a few mistakes, grow and learn!
I Peter 2: 9-10
Colossians 1:21-22
Romans 6: 8-10
1 Corinthians 7:32-35
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